Getting RNode working on macOS

So here’s how to get started on using RNode on macOS (see my previous post about this).

Firstly you want to make sure your device works. Go plug it in to any USB port on your Mac. I have an iMac here so it has many ports :)

Next you want to run the rnodeconf utility provided by Mark which can be found here

Make sure you already have Homebrew installed. Ensure you also have Python installed along with pyenv and pyenv-virtualenv:

brew install pyenv-virtualenv`

Next install Python 2.7.16 with pyenv:

$ pyenv install 2.7.16

Now go and grab the source code to rnodeconf and setup the new virtualenv:

$ git clone [](
$ pyenv virtualenv 2.7.16 rnodeconf
$ pyenv activate rnodeconf

Install the required dependies:

$ pip install pyserial cryptography

And run rnodeconf and view information about your RNode that should be plugged in:

$ ./rnodeconf -i /dev/tty.usbserial-DN03X2YH
[2020-02-06 17:16:19] Opening serial port /dev/tty.usbserial-DN03X2YH...
[2020-02-06 17:16:21] Device connected
[2020-02-06 17:16:21] Firmware version: 1.11
[2020-02-06 17:16:21] Reading EEPROM...
[2020-02-06 17:16:22] EEPROM checksum correct
[2020-02-06 17:16:22] Board signature validated
[2020-02-06 17:16:22]
[2020-02-06 17:16:22] Board info:
[2020-02-06 17:16:22] 	Firmware version:	1.11
[2020-02-06 17:16:22] 	Product code:		03
[2020-02-06 17:16:22] 	Model code:		a9
[2020-02-06 17:16:22] 	Hardware revision:	0c
[2020-02-06 17:16:22] 	Serial number:		1a:00:00:c6
[2020-02-06 17:16:22] 	Frequency range:	820.0 MHz - 1020.0 MHz
[2020-02-06 17:16:22] 	Max TX power:		17 dBm
[2020-02-06 17:16:22] 	Manufactured:		2019-12-16 03:06:58
[2020-02-06 17:16:22] 	Device mode:		Normal (host-controlled)
[2020-02-06 17:16:22] 	Device signature:	Genuine board, vendor is

If you have trouble finding the exact device name look around in your /dev/* for something that looks similar.

Hope this helps anyone using Mark’s RNode from :D

Happy hacking!

James Mills @prologic